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Meet Bonny

“In the child is much knowledge,
much wisdom.
If we do not profit from it,
it is only because of neglect on our part
to become humble and to
see the wonder of this soul
and learn what the child can teach.” 

                    - Dr. Maria Montessori
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Greetings! My name is Bonny Flower.  I am the founder and director of Little Moon Montessori. As an educator for over 40 years I have worked as Lead Guide in Montessori schools in Virginia, Connecticut, and Massachusetts.  As the mother of four grown children, and grandmother to two wonderful boys, I've spent most of my days (and frequently nights!) engaged in the world of children.

Children are born with the innate superpower to learn- in particular during the first six years of life. To have the opportunity to care for and support young children during this critical stage of development is extraordinary. To be able to empower each child by reflecting back to them their own brilliance is a gift.

Underlying my love of working with young children lies another great passion - to help people of any age explore new possibilities in healing. As such, meditation and alternative healing practices have been a major area of personal interest and study. Over the years, I have worked as a Reiki II practitioner and completed several training seminars and workshops with leading alternative healing practitioners.

I hold a B.A. in Sociology from Purdue University, and an AMI Montessori Primary Credential from the Washington Montessori Institute. My most recent training was completed in 2019 at the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, where I received their RULER SEL certification. This program, designed to support individuals and school communities in understanding the value of emotions, provides effective approaches for teaching the skills of emotional intelligence -  essential skills for creating self & social-awareness, emotional balance and personal success.

For years I have dreamt of creating my own Montessori Children's House program in the Berkshires. Now, after years of experience and deep perspective, l've decided it's time. My intention is to create a school founded upon the purpose and beauty of Montessori pedagogy, supported and built upon by the richness of the natural world beyond the classroom.

I hope you'll join me in making Little Moon Montessori School a reality. 

“Preventing conflicts
is the work of politics:
establishing peace
is the work of education"

                           - Dr. Maria Montessori
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